Holiday At Home August 2024 Programme

Holiday At Home August 2024 Programme

Applications are now open for our popular annual Holiday at Home program at The Eversfield Centre!

Our Holiday at Home program is always a delightful experience, highly recommended by past participants. Whether you’re a returning guest or a newcomer, we warmly welcome you to join us for another memorable year!



Our August Meeting Dates:

  • Monday 19th August
  • Wednesday 21st August
  • Friday 23rd August

Monday 19th August

10.30am Canon after Chandos – With Stuart Cawthorne
11.30 – 11.45 Break
11.45am Chennells The Grocer – With Denise Chennels
12.45 – 14.15pm Lunch
14.15 The Life and Mission Choir – Entertainment
15.15 Afternoon Tea

Wednesday 21st August

10.30am Where Did That Saying Come From? – With Colin Oakes
11.30 – 11.45 Break
11.45am Let Us Entertain You – with Revd John Steele and Chris Walker
12.45 – 14.15pm Lunch
14.15 The Great Eperiment – Wartime Rationing – WIth George Grimble
15.15 Afternoon Tea

Friday 23rd August

10.30am The Pengiun Post Office – Antartica With Rachel Harrex
11.30-11.45 Break
11.45am Old Time Music Halls – With Stanley Bass
12.45 – 14.15pm Lunch
14.15 As Time Goes By – With Niko and Timothy Peake
15.15 Afternoon Tea

To explore the full programme please download and print our August programme!

Warm Space at Trinity Church Mill Hill

Warm Space at Trinity Church Mill Hill

Come along to our warm space

Warm space and drinks are provided – with Free Wifi available

Starting from 10th January – all ages are welcome

Every Tuesday
12pm – 3pm
Free Entry


Find us at:
Eversfield Centre
11 Eversfield Gardens, London NW7 2AE

Public Transport
We are a 5 Minutes walk from Mill Hill or Burnt Oak Stations.
Closest bus routes 251 or 114

Open House Meetings and Schedule 2023

Open House Meetings and Schedule 2023

Open House is a fortnightly meeting for older people which is held at The Eversfield Centre during term times. Meetings are hybrid with most people coming in person to The Eversfield Centre (where there is a car park), and a few members joining by Zoom when they cannot travel to the Centre.
We meet from 2 – 3.30pm on Thursday afternoons and enjoy a wide variety of interesting  talks and entertainments. From about 3pm there is a social time over tea and cakes.
Open House is a friendly group, and as the name implies, we are open to welcome everyone who would like to come. Our members come from many local churches and from the local community.
Date: Thursday Afternoons
Time: 2 – 3.30pm
Location: The Eversfield Centre
The programme for the first half of 2023 is as follows:
  • 5 January. “Myself and other animals”. Simon Brown.
  • 19 January. “Dover to Hebrides. Halfway round the shipping forecast”. Illustrated talk by Maggi and Harry Lamb.
  • 2 February. “Witches and Highwaymen of Hertfordshire”. Illustrated talk by Revd. John Merrill.
  • 16 February. “Share and share alike. Another hour of music and mirth with John and Chris”. Entertainment by Revd.  John Steele and Chris Walker.
  • 2 March. “Seen from a bus”. Illustrated talk by Rob Kayne.
  • 16 March. “African tales/tails” Ian Jackson.
  • 29 March. “Songs from the Musicals, Movies and the Great American Songbook”. Musical entertainment by Geoff Strum.

Easter break

  • 20 April. “Inside the Victorian Pantry”. Judy Karbritz.
  • 4 May. “Funny Girls”. Geoff Bowden.
  • 18 May. Christian Aid fundraising afternoon. Bring and Buy stalls, Cream
  • Tea and Talk by Veronica Wagner on the work of Christian Aid. Entry £2.50.
  • 1 June. “London in the Swinging Sixties”. Colin Oakes.
All are welcome at these meetings. Come and enjoy being part of this
friendly group and socialising with others in a convivial atmosphere.
2022 Christian Aid Week with Trinity Mill Hill

2022 Christian Aid Week with Trinity Mill Hill

At Trinity, we are setting ourselves a Christian Aid Week Challenge of walking

3 Million Steps this May, whilst benefiting from some exercise and raising vital funds.

Last year, we walked 1.7 million steps and raised an incredible £2000; so this year we are stretching our target (and our fitness levels!) to 3 million steps with the aim of raising £3000; thus seeking to make an impact to even more lives around the world.

We appreciate that these are tough financial times, so please only give what you can afford; whatever you can give is very much appreciated and will change the lives of many.

Together as a community we will aim to reach our goal and raise what we can in order to do our bit for Christian Aid. Thank you.


Instructions for giving to Christian Aid

This can be done online via Just Giving – Just click Donate Now link below!


Click on ‘Give Now’ and follow the instructions. Note that the amount added to the donation for Just Giving’s fee can be from £10 and over.

A message from the Rev David Newton

A message from the Rev David Newton

The Lord’s Prayer is written from a perspective where God is all powerful and we are, it seems, like very small children wholly dependent on his benevolence for our wellbeing. This seems in complete contrast with the warnings about global warming; despite the vast size of the earth, we have collectively brought about a dangerous situation and it is up to us to sort it out. I for one have never thought to pray, ‘Dear Lord please keep the atmosphere from heating up by more than two degrees Celsius by 2050.’ 

Somehow, we need to bridge these two contrasting views of the human situation. The Lord’s Prayer rightly reminds us that God is the source of our being, all we have is a gift from God, and all we have achieved is done through the skills and resources God has given us. The Prayer also reminds us that God is the epitome of all goodness, and it is to him that we look to discern what our course of action should be if we are to make a ‘success’ of the life we have been granted. Somehow in our current situation we need to keep these two things firmly fixed in our mind as we roll up our sleeves, and get on with fixing our problems.