Welcome To Trinity Church Mill Hill


We are an active church that seeks to discover God at work in our lives and in the lives of others.


Through worship, learning, caring, service and in sharing the love of Jesus, we look to become His disciples.

We are active as Christians in the local community and many groups find a home in our wonderful modern premises.

Community Activities

Local businesses offering a range of classes for all ages – from fitness to dance classes, playgroups, art and more!

Church Activities

Activities for all ages throughout the year at Trinity Church and Eversfield Centre – drop in and socialise!

Room Hire

Rent halls and meeting rooms in Trinity Church Mill Hill and Eversfield Centre – available for private and community functions and activities.

Church and Community Events Through The Year

Visit our calendar to learn about the events planned throughout the year.


“We warmly welcome Christians from all denominations, and our services of Holy Communion are open to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Join Us This Sunday

Every Sunday worship takes place at 10.30am and can be attended in person or via Zoom. Our aim is to provide accessible worship suitable for a variety of ages and backgrounds. All our welcome to join our diverse congregation and discover more about God and self through teaching, prayer and song.

Meet the Minister


My name is David Newton and I’m the Minister of Trinity Church Mill Hill and Hendon Methodist Church.

Our news always seems to be dominated by tragedy and conflict, poverty and inequality. Whether it is the Earthquake in Turkey/Syria, the war in Ukraine, or the cost of living crisis at home it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the ‘bad’ news. In response the Church encourages giving, and prayer, and we at Trinity Mill Hill share in this by providing details of how to make an offering to Christian Aid in support of the DEC (Disasters’ Emergency Committee) appeal.

Faith though offers something much more basic. It is easy to see faith as being just about belief in a supernatural being, but that alone is of little use if it does not translate into something more. What faith provides is a vision of what could be, if we follow God’s guidance for humanity. Through the life of Jesus, we are invited to see what life could be like if we truly love and care for all people. If we hold to this vision, then whatever the tragedy of the current moment, we maintain a firm confidence that things will ultimately be so much better. This hope gives strength and stamina, and wards off depression. It is a vital part of protecting our essential humanity in the face of hardship.

If religion were just about the supernatural, or just about hymns on a Sunday, I would have left long ago. Instead, I have discovered it is the anchor for life in a world of turmoil, a very precious thing indeed.

With peace, prayers and best wishes, 


Minister of Trinity Church Mill Hill


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Pause For Thought

We pray for your church in this time of uncertainty. For those people who are worried about attending worship. For those needing to make decisions in order to care for other. For those who will feel more isolated by not being able to attend. Grant us your wisdom.
In a world torn by conflict, hunger and disease help us Lord to cope by looking outward rather than inward. Even if we are struggling let us seek to help those who struggle more and in so doing bring greater relief than ever possible by helping ourselves alone.
God of all hope we call on you today. We pray for those who are living in fear: Fear of illness, fear for loved ones, fear of other’s reactions to them. May your Spirit give us a sense of calmness and peace.
We pray for your church in this time of uncertainty. For those people who are worried about attending worship. For those needing to make decisions in order to care for other. For those who will feel more isolated by not being able to attend. Grant us your wisdom.
Holy God, we remember that you have promised that Nothing will separate us from your love – demonstrated to us in Jesus Christ. Help us turn our eyes, hearts and minds to you.
The Revd Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference