Open House Meetings and Schedule 2023
Open House is a fortnightly meeting for older people which is held at The Eversfield Centre during term times. Meetings are hybrid with most people coming in person to The Eversfield Centre (where there is a car park), and a few members joining by Zoom when they cannot travel to the Centre.
We meet from 2 – 3.30pm on Thursday afternoons and enjoy a wide variety of interesting talks and entertainments. From about 3pm there is a social time over tea and cakes.
Open House is a friendly group, and as the name implies, we are open to welcome everyone who would like to come. Our members come from many local churches and from the local community.
Date: Thursday Afternoons
Time: 2 – 3.30pm
Location: The Eversfield Centre
The programme for the first half of 2023 is as follows:
- 5 January. “Myself and other animals”. Simon Brown.
- 19 January. “Dover to Hebrides. Halfway round the shipping forecast”. Illustrated talk by Maggi and Harry Lamb.
- 2 February. “Witches and Highwaymen of Hertfordshire”. Illustrated talk by Revd. John Merrill.
- 16 February. “Share and share alike. Another hour of music and mirth with John and Chris”. Entertainment by Revd. John Steele and Chris Walker.
- 2 March. “Seen from a bus”. Illustrated talk by Rob Kayne.
- 16 March. “African tales/tails” Ian Jackson.
- 29 March. “Songs from the Musicals, Movies and the Great American Songbook”. Musical entertainment by Geoff Strum.
Easter break
- 20 April. “Inside the Victorian Pantry”. Judy Karbritz.
- 4 May. “Funny Girls”. Geoff Bowden.
- 18 May. Christian Aid fundraising afternoon. Bring and Buy stalls, Cream
- Tea and Talk by Veronica Wagner on the work of Christian Aid. Entry £2.50.
- 1 June. “London in the Swinging Sixties”. Colin Oakes.
All are welcome at these meetings. Come and enjoy being part of this
friendly group and socialising with others in a convivial atmosphere.
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