by Trinitymillhill | May 27, 2022 | Church
At Trinity, we are setting ourselves a Christian Aid Week Challenge of walking
3 Million Steps this May, whilst benefiting from some exercise and raising vital funds.
Last year, we walked 1.7 million steps and raised an incredible £2000; so this year we are stretching our target (and our fitness levels!) to 3 million steps with the aim of raising £3000; thus seeking to make an impact to even more lives around the world.
We appreciate that these are tough financial times, so please only give what you can afford; whatever you can give is very much appreciated and will change the lives of many.
Together as a community we will aim to reach our goal and raise what we can in order to do our bit for Christian Aid. Thank you.
Instructions for giving to Christian Aid
This can be done online via Just Giving – Just click Donate Now link below!
Click on ‘Give Now’ and follow the instructions. Note that the amount added to the donation for Just Giving’s fee can be from £10 and over.
by Trinitymillhill | May 27, 2022 | Church
The Lord’s Prayer is written from a perspective where God is all powerful and we are, it seems, like very small children wholly dependent on his benevolence for our wellbeing. This seems in complete contrast with the warnings about global warming; despite the vast size of the earth, we have collectively brought about a dangerous situation and it is up to us to sort it out. I for one have never thought to pray, ‘Dear Lord please keep the atmosphere from heating up by more than two degrees Celsius by 2050.’
Somehow, we need to bridge these two contrasting views of the human situation. The Lord’s Prayer rightly reminds us that God is the source of our being, all we have is a gift from God, and all we have achieved is done through the skills and resources God has given us. The Prayer also reminds us that God is the epitome of all goodness, and it is to him that we look to discern what our course of action should be if we are to make a ‘success’ of the life we have been granted. Somehow in our current situation we need to keep these two things firmly fixed in our mind as we roll up our sleeves, and get on with fixing our problems.
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