Trinity Church Activities

Open House

Open House is a fortnightly meeting for older people which is held at The Eversfield Centre during term times.  We meet from 2pm – 3.30pm on Thursday afternoons and enjoy a wide variety of interesting  talks and entertainments. From about 3pm there is a social time over tea and cakes.

Open House is a friendly group, and as the name implies, we are open to welcome everyone who would like to come. Our members come from many local churches and from the local community.

Methodist Fellowship Group

Twice a month we hold short communion services on a Tuesday morning.

Mid-Week Communion

Mid week communion is once a month at 11am on 1st Tuesday of month at Eversfield Centre 11 Eversfield Gardens NW7 2AE.

Churches Together Mill Hill

We strongly support working with our neighbouring churches to provide a stronger witness for Christ and better care for the wider Mill Hill community.  We worship together through events like The Good Friday Walk of Witness and support the community through activities such as the Night Shelter, Christmas Day Lunch and the Bereavement Listening Service. 

Holiday At Home

This is an annual event in August which takes place at The Eversfield Centre. It is especially for older people who cannot get out much. There is a varied programme which includes talks on a wide variety of topics, music to listen to and sing along to, quizzes and games. The week provides an opportunity for people to socialise and enjoy conversation in a convivial atmosphere.


Britsom, a group providing educational support to British Somalis through providing educators to the group which meet in our church.  This group enables Christian, Jewish and Muslim to meet and work together

Trinity Choir

Our choir leads the singing each Sunday as well as singing special pieces on some Sundays and especially at festivals like Christmas and Easter.

We practice every other Friday and all are welcome to join, no previous singing experience required although we will check that you can sing!

Young People's Church

We tailor our activities to suit young people of different ages.
The very young are welcome to play in our self-supervised creche area at the back of the worship space.

Older children have their own study activities during the latter part of the worship hour and teenagers have a study session after the worship service.


As a church community we seek to be responsible global citizens but we do this by providing a Traidcraft stall to enable people to buy fairly traded goods. We support a sustainable future be having solar panels generating power on the roof of our church. We also encourage recycling wherever possible of the resources we use as a church.

Fair Trade

We support fair trade through running a Traidcraft stall each Sunday morning after the service. A variety of foods are available, with a fair proportion of the price paid going to the farmers who produce the items.

Neighbourhood Activities

As part of our mission our premises are used by non-church groups which nonetheless provide a valuable support to the community.  These include Singing for the Brain, Tai Chi, WEA, The Challange – you may join these activities – see links for details.  In addition other community groups use the premises for people with particular needs such as Community Space.