Tiska Karate Lessons

Trinity Church Hall 100 The Broadway, Mill Hill, NW7 3TB , London, Mill Hill, United Kingdom

We offer Karate lessons for Children, Adults and Families, with a good variety of classes to suit all ages and abilities. Call 0800 177 7705 for more information

LAMDA Classes

Trinity Church Hall 100 The Broadway, Mill Hill, NW7 3TB , London, Mill Hill, United Kingdom

Achieve Arts Speech and Drama School & Young Performers Agency are excited to announce New classes starting in Mill Hill! 

Fundraising afternoon for Christian Aid

On 12th May we shall hold a fundraising afternoon for Christian Aid with stories of some of their projects and a Cream Tea.  Held at The Eversfield Centre - 11 Eversfield Gardens, London NW7 2AE Starts 1pm All are welcome

2022 Christian Aid Week – 15th May to 21st May 

At Trinity, we are setting ourselves a Christian Aid Week Challenge of walking 3 million steps this May, whilst benefiting from some exercise and raising vital funds. Last year, we walked 1.7 million steps and raised an incredible £2000; so this year we are stretching our target (and our fitness levels!) to 3 million steps […]

Warm Space

eversfield centre 11 Eversfield Gardens, London

Come along to our warm space Warm space and drinks are provided


“African tales/tails” A talk with Ian Jackson

eversfield centre 11 Eversfield Gardens, London

March 16th 2023 - “African tales/tails” Ian Jackson at Eversfield Centre - 11 Eversfield Gardens, Mill Hill, London NW7 2AE